My Packages


Embrace Your Birth

This Package includes a Meet and Greet

Making a Birthing Plan

2- 1 hour Prenatal Appointments

Labor and Delivery

2 hours after Delivery for Breastfeeding Techniques

1- 1 hour Postpartum visit within 14 days after delivery

This incudes home births, hospital, and birthing centers



Mother Nurturing

This Package is a Cesarean Section Extra Care Package

This Package includes Embrace Your Birth Plus

2 Extra hours after birth for breastfeeding and c-section care (4 hours all together)

2 Extra postpartum visits within 8 weeks after delivery (3-1 hour visits all together)


“ A woman in birth is at once her most powerful, and most vulnerable. But any woman who has birthed unhindered understands that we are stronger than we know.”

Marcie Macari